Thursday, January 11, 2007

summer during winter??

Yes believe it or not, winter this year in Germany is pretty warm. The sun is shining and it's really warm. Is it January already or end of April? The past years is not like this. Global warming? You figure. By this time, you will be cursing the cold weather, the slippery roads due to the snow, the strong wind or... you might even spend days on your bed due to fever!!

I am.... ofcourse enjoying the weather. I wish it would stay like this. I am not a fan of cold weather and slippery roads. I had winter fever recently.... imagine spending the night out in the rain and strong wind just to celebrate new years eve and erm Raya Aidiladha. OK i lied about the Raya part. What's there to celebrate anyway? No cow nor lamb to sacrifise here. Oh wait, they did sacrifise Saddam Iraq. The other muslims. :)

Anyway, i need to get back to work. Otherwise, the Germans would create war again. I can't wait for this semester to be over and done with. :) :) :)


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