Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The No Asshole Rule Book

I have been spending most of my time in the library lately... because home only reminds me of the World War 3.5 in Brunei. I don't really spend my 4-7 hours working, the truth is... i just need to be away from home.

Anyway, as i enter the library, i saw this new book "The No Asshole Rule: Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving One That Isn't" by Robert I. Sutton on the shelf. Yes ofcourse it caught my attention. I haven't finished reading it but even in the first twenty pages, the book was totally hilarious.

It simply describes how a potential asshole in your workplace behaves and how crucial it is not to have these type of people in an organization as they can easily damage others by abusing them psychologically if not physical. He even classified these assholes as the temporary and the permanent ones. I need to finish reading the book to find out more.

The Dirty Dozen
common everyday actions that assholes use:
  • personal insults
  • invading ones personal territory
  • uninvited physical contact
  • threats and intimidation, both verbal and nonverbal
  • "sarcastic jokes" and teasing used as insult delivery systems
  • withering e-mail flames
  • status slaps intended to humiliate their victims
  • public shaming or "status degradation rituals"
  • rude interruptions
  • two-faced attacks
  • dirty looks
  • treating people as if they are invisible
For example: if your boss continuously swears or shout at you or fires employees for small reasons (e.g not bringing his breakfast on time) or crumbles your work and throw them on the floor infront of your colleagues and later ask you to pick them one by one and throw in the dustbin, they are the perfect candidates to be assholes in the workplace.

So if you are experiencing at least one of the 12 treatments, you should buy and read this book! lol.

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