Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pictures of my neighbourhood

Before i continue, fyi I am studying, living and surviving in a small German town. I lied in my Profile. erks. hehe :p

I didn't have class today so i decided to go out and buy groceries.
I honestly prefer walking. It would just take me 5-10mins to reach the nearest "kedai runcit" (small shop), so why not? :) Along the way i saw one of my neighbours building a private playground for his children. Isn't that sweet? His wooden selfmade seesaw reminds me of my childhood everytime i look at it.

I took some pics of sceneries just for fun. Nothing much to take. I will have to wait until summer ;) Oh btw, there are bigggg (taller than a normal human being) animal statues in town. Maybe when i have time...i will also take some pictures of those. For the mean time, enjoy!

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